Wednesday, February 02, 2011


I'm trying to find a new home for Runa. She is such a sweet dog and if I had more time and energy I would try to convince the landlord to let me keep her. Also, I wish I could afford to send her home to Canada but it's quite a bit more than I can afford at the time (I was given a quote of 2,000,000 won, or a bit under $2000 Canadian). Very sad.
I am making posting for Runa on Animal Rescue Korea . If you don't want a big dog, they have plenty of other dogs listed that need homes, most of whom are in dog shelters. I don't want her to end up chained up all the time or stuck in a tiny apartment all the time.
If you are interested or know anyone interested, let me know.

[After her first bath at the vet. They put a cutesy little ribbon on her for some silly reason. Only in Korea?]

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