Most of the students in the school are, of course, Korean, but there are also some others that attend. There are a few mixed children, with one Korean parent and one western parent. There are also several Japanese kids. The Japanese kids are all so cute. I teach 4 of them - Maho and Aono are two girls in the other 6 (4/5) year old class, Luna is a girl in one of the 5 (3/4) year old classes, and Yudai (pronounced "you die") is a boy in one of the 5 year old classes. They all speak a strange mix of Japanese, Korean and English.
[Luna - during the fashion show]
[Aono waiting to be picked up on Children's Day]
[Maho and I - She was waiting to be picked up. Yes, I had my hair in pigtails. :P]
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