A couple of weekends ago I went to Icheon city to hang out. I took the bus there in the morning and they met me at the bus station. We wandered around downtown for a while, had brunch at a little bakery (pastries and cake), and then hopped on a bus for where they work and live to cook some food, eat, and hang out a bit more. Where they work is a little ways in the country. Beautiful. I always like seeing the countryside of any country.
[an interesting looking bar]
[me with rice paddies behind me]
[an elk farm - One of the biggest imports from Canada are elk antlers, for the medicinal velvet. There are a few elk farms around Korea but they are very small, in animal numbers and in space. I feel bad for the elk on these farms. They have such tiny spaces to live in.]
[Korean ginseng crops - the plants are very light sensitive and so are always grown under black shades.]
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