It will take me a while to figure out the area. Where my home is, it is like a maze of little streets, some too small for cars to go down. It is in the hills, almost at the top of a hill. There are two entrances to my building. One on the first floor, where my home is, and another on the 3rd floor. Once I am settled in I will post some pictures. It is really an interesting area. It is almost right below Namsan Tower (Seoul Tower).
Monday, February 26, 2007
It will take me a while to figure out the area. Where my home is, it is like a maze of little streets, some too small for cars to go down. It is in the hills, almost at the top of a hill. There are two entrances to my building. One on the first floor, where my home is, and another on the 3rd floor. Once I am settled in I will post some pictures. It is really an interesting area. It is almost right below Namsan Tower (Seoul Tower).
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Anyway, the first ceremony is now finished. It wasn't too bad, I suppose, but those that know me well know that I am not a public speaker. I am a very reserved person. Actually, public speaking terrifies me.
The kids all have little graduation gowns and caps to put on. Outside, there are people selling bouquets of flowers and candies. It is a huge deal.
One down, one to go.
I will miss these kids. :(
Roe Deer Class
I will miss my kids soooooooooo much. All ~350 of them.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute
Monday, February 19, 2007
moving II
Happy New Year...
The kindy boss once again gave gifts to all of the teachers.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
how sad
Better Infection Control Programs Needed to Help Combat Hepatitis C in Egypt
EGYPT: 5 million infected with Hepatitis C
The annual infection rate is more than 70,000 new cases, of which at least 35,000 would have chronic hepatitis C," said Dr Manal el-Sayed, Professor of Paediatrics at Cairo's Ain Shams University and member of the National Hepatitis Committee which is currently formulating an action plan to fight the disease.
Hepatitis C is a lethal virus which can cause liver cirrhosis and cancer. Egypt has one of the highest prevalence rates of the virus in the world, say specialists. An estimated 10-15 percent of the population, some 8-10 million people, are carrying hepatitis C antibodies, meaning that they either have or at one time had the virus. Five million of those are actively infected, according to government figures.
No vaccine is available for HCV although it can be treated with a combination of drugs if detected early enough.
Egypt's very high prevalence of HCV is largely the legacy of government campaigns prior to 1980 to treat rural populations for schistosomiasis (or bilharzia), a water-borne disease which at one time was endemic in Egypt. The treatment campaigns, which involved repeated injections, did not follow rigorous hygiene standards, and as such spread blood-borne HCV throughout the population.
As it may take up to 30 years for a patient to display symptoms of HCV or for the disease to become active, the full extent of the problem has only recently become known.
Those at risk of new HCV infections in Egypt are not just those in medical contact with existing patients, however. The children and relatives of individuals affected during the schistosomiasis campaign are also a high-risk group, as widespread behavioural practices - such as the re-use of syringes, sharing of toothbrushes and even circumcision - all increase the risk of contracting blood-borne viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis C.
[BBS News]
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
pencil cases
There is such a variety of pencil cases here, from the simple, to the video game models.
This one has a compass on the top.
"Racing Action-Z"
"I go forward for the world! Nice man. wawa109"
"I hope to hear your merry voice."
"floral heart"
"So romantic!"
It comes with several game cards (in the slots to the right of the game screen).
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
busy, busy, busy
As my new home is not contracted yet, I don't know when I can move in. And, my current school will be getting new accommodations for the next teacher (a one room studio style apartment closer to the school), and the contract on this home is supposed to be finished on the 28th. I work on the 28th. So far, they don't know exactly when I have to move out. They have suggested I might have to move into the new home here on the 25th, and then again to my new home on the 1st (a holiday here). Or, I should move the morning of the 28th and then go to work. I dont' think so. Plus I think my new school wants me there the morning of the 28th for an introductory/registration thingy.
I should be allowed to move on the 1st. They are still trying to figure it out.
I also need to know how big my new home is so I know if I can take all of my stuff or not (I have a coffee table, tv table, etc) I don't want to take it all there if it won't fit. I guess I'll be able to figure that out this weekend. I also have to pack sometime soon. I HATE packing. And I have nothing to put my stuff in. I have some things that I got the last time I was working in Korea, as well as the stuff I brought and what I bought. I came with two big suitcases, but one broke on the way (the handles fell off) so I got rid of it, so now I am in desperate need boxes or bags or what ever I can find. I don't want to go to the post office to buy boxes just to use for moving (I don't particularly want to carry them home, for one). I think my new school will help me move, but I have to pack first.
Anyway... the last two weeks here will be fairly easy, as the kindy finishes on the 20th (and the 19th is a holiday). That means my last 6 days are afternoon teaching only. YAY!!!
My first day at the new school is the 2nd.