I just couldn't help myself. I was walking to go to a book store and walked past a pet shop with hamster cages sitting outside and big signs. I took one look and for some (unrashional) reason, I decided I needed a hamster. I've decided to call her Bamboo. :)
She was the smallest one in the cage. When I picked her up she just looked at me and tilted her head. Another one of the smaller ones (a white one) that I picked up started jumping and going crazy.
Just after I got her:

After a two weeks:
She's sooo cute!! <3>
hi... just dropping by!
Hi I'm the owner of webpage www.nowseoul.comI have something to tell you so please e-mail me to let me know your email address my mail address is [kwonsoonb@naver.com]
Hi...looking for ways to market...just kidding:) Nice hamster!
LOL. Thanks. :)
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