I had planned to get up early, to get to the embassy early, but slept in until almost 9. Oops.
Breakfast at the hostel was decent, though a bit greasy. I had French toast with honey. I had to eat in a bit of hurry as I had to be at the Syrian embassy before 11.
At the embassy, I got in, filled in the form and stood in line. When I got to the counter, I was asked for a letter from the Canadian Embassy!!! What??? OH NO!! She said I had to go to the Canadian Embassy to get a letter saying I can go to Syria. I left and took out my travel guide. Ummmm... the only Canadian embassy/consulate listed is in Ankara!!! There is NO WAY I'd be able to go to Ankara just to get a letter. Ack. I went back in and asked the woman behind the counter. She said there is a consulate in Istanbul, and went to get the address for me. Istiklol St. 37315, Beyoslu. Phew.
I hopped in a taxi and gave him the directions that I was given. He said okay, no problem. Well, the taxi sort of went the long way around and then onto Istiklal Caddessi. Istiklal is actually a pedestrian only street!! He drove for a ways, asking guards at other embassies along the way. Then he stopped and said I had to walk the rest of the way. He said to walk a long way and it would be on the right. I paid and made my way in the direction that he pointed to.
Breakfast at the hostel was decent, though a bit greasy. I had French toast with honey. I had to eat in a bit of hurry as I had to be at the Syrian embassy before 11.
At the embassy, I got in, filled in the form and stood in line. When I got to the counter, I was asked for a letter from the Canadian Embassy!!! What??? OH NO!! She said I had to go to the Canadian Embassy to get a letter saying I can go to Syria. I left and took out my travel guide. Ummmm... the only Canadian embassy/consulate listed is in Ankara!!! There is NO WAY I'd be able to go to Ankara just to get a letter. Ack. I went back in and asked the woman behind the counter. She said there is a consulate in Istanbul, and went to get the address for me. Istiklol St. 37315, Beyoslu. Phew.
I hopped in a taxi and gave him the directions that I was given. He said okay, no problem. Well, the taxi sort of went the long way around and then onto Istiklal Caddessi. Istiklal is actually a pedestrian only street!! He drove for a ways, asking guards at other embassies along the way. Then he stopped and said I had to walk the rest of the way. He said to walk a long way and it would be on the right. I paid and made my way in the direction that he pointed to.
I went to Topkapi Palace, (used 1465 to 1863) right around the corner from my hostel.
Then, when I was heading for the buildings, I was approached by Harun, an English tour guide. The guides there charge 10TL for a tour. I said no thanks. He said okay, he'd do it free. Hmmmm. He is a student and teacher of history at the university and in his free time he sometimes goes to the palaces to give tours. I told him okay, but he wasn't going to get anything out of me. He said that was fine (though I know he was hoping I might change my mind). I figured if he still wanted to give me a tour for free after I said he wouldn't get anything out of me, why not. I'd learn more about the palace and, of course, I'd have someone to take some pictures with me actually in them!! :)
This summer pavilion was built by Sultan Ibrahim in 1640. As this place was used for the circumcision ceremonies of the crown princes, it is also called the circumcision room.
The walls are covered with the rare specimens of Ottoman tiles. The most important of these are the blue and white tile panels influenced by Far-Eastern ceramics on the chamber facade dated 1529.
[from a sign outside the room]
The Imperial Hall
This domed place in the Harem, believed to have been built in the late in 16th century, served as the official recepion hall of the Sultan as well as the entertainment hall of the Harem.
Entertainments, paying of homages during the relitious festivals, and wedding ceremonies took place here in the presence of the members of the dynasty.
The tile belt surrounding the waslls bearing calligraphic inscriptions were revetted with 18th century blue and white Delft tiles in the rococo style after the great Harem fire of 1666.
The domed arch and the pendantives still bear classical paintings dating from the original construction.In the hall are the throne on which the Sultan sat, and a gallery that was occupied by the wives of the Sultan headed by the Queen Mother.
A pantry where musical instruments are exhibited and certain other apartments open to the Imperial Hall which gives access into hte Sultan's private apartments.
[from a sign in the room]
Why is it that so many people think that a woman that likes to travel (especially one that travels alone) is always easy??? I suppose many are and that makes it harder for those of us that aren't. Since when does having a conversation with some guy imply that I am in some way interested in something more??? Even if I say I have a boyfriend (whether true or not) they seem to think it doesn't make a difference. Accepting an invite to share the cost of a taxi or to sit at the same table doesn't mean an acceptance of anything more.
Within the palace complex, many of the rooms are now museums. There is one small museum in the former Privy Chamber. Inside are the Sacred Relics. These relics include Prophet David's sword, Prophet Moses' staff, things of Prophet Mohammed including some of his hair, and part of his tooth, his robe and other such things (refered to as the Sacred Trusts). Also within the museum is part of St. John the Baptist's skull as well as his right arm and hand (which he used to baptise Jesus). The arm is enclosed in gilt metal with a small window showing some of the bone within. There is a great debate as to whether these items are authentic or not. There are at least 6 places that claim to have possession of the head/skull/part of the skull of John the Baptist. One of the other forerunners in this is the Great Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. Inside the mosque is a shrine to John the Baptist, which is said to contain his head.
Next to (or rather, connected to) the palace is the Archaeology Museum (10 TL entrance fee). It was quite nice.
Outside the museum there are all sorts of things to see. I loved the atmosphere!Fountain (Selsebil)
The "Ta'liq" inscription decorating its side walls informs us that it was built in 1590. The peacock amid tulips, carnations and flowering plum branches displays the popular motifs of the time, that is the reign of Murad III (1574-1595).
[from a sign next to the fountain]
Back at the hostel, I borrowed Mehmet's laptop (the 2 hostel computers were being used) to upload some maps onto my GPS.
At one of the computers was an Italian named Edoardo. We started talking and then decided to head out for a walk and a late night snack. We were looking for a little restaurant that he had eaten at earlier in the day. It was so far!! We walked and walked. Along the way, a dog started to follow us (like a golden retriever, though probably a mix). It was with us for a large part of the way, until it met another dog. For a little bit, both were following and then disappeared. At around 11:30 or so, we eventually found the restaurant but it was closed. We went to another place nearby that was open 24 hours. It was sort of a cafeteria style place. Grab a tray, take what you want, pay for what you took. I had something that looked and tasted similar to lasagne but with egg on top instead of pasta. I also had a chocolate pudding for dessert. Mmmm. Hadn't had good chocolate pudding in so long!!! (they don't really do pudding in Korea)
1 comment:
Guide books are helpful to get knowledge of a place and to start planning. But I think a
local tour guide can offer more insights with personal communication. And professional guides are usually hassle free compared with street guides. :)
OurExplorer - Travel through the eyes of a local
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