Just some random pics along the route up the hill towards my home. I find the area very interesting. A bit dirty, yes, but interesting none-the-less. There are a four ways I can take to get up the hill (up two different sides). Which way I take depends on where I am coming from and how I am feeling. This is but one of them; one of the more interesting ways in that it is partly little paths that no cars can go on. I live on a hill, right near the top. It is like a little maze of streets going every which way. In a car, I only know one way to get up as it is all one way streets.
going up
looking back
a little set of stairs up ahead
a bigger set of stairs
hanging over the wall just before the stairs
a Gingko Biloba tree above the stairs - I love Gingko trees!
a vine growing up the wall beside the stairs
some sort of squash plant hanging over another wall past the stairs
Keep going.
up some more
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