I was on my way out. I shut the door and then decided to change my shoes so came back in. I looked up and above my bed, saw a dark thing on the wall. ACK!!!!! Scary. It is the same as a thing that jumped at me about a month ago in my bathroom - I went into the bathroom and it jumped at me - only THIS one, is about 3 times the size of the other one. I though the one in the bathroom was bad.
Remember that the trim around my room is about 2 inches wide. Ugh. I grabbed my camera first, as I wanted to find out what it was, and was trying to think of what I should do. After taking pics, I grabbed the fly swatter. It took me a while to get up the courage to get close enough, as the smaller one jumped all the way across my bathroom. I can't imagine how far this thing could jump. I smacked it as hard as I could and then jumped back with a bit of a yelp/screech/strange unhuman sound. It fell behind the headboard of my bed. I went slowly to look and it wasn't moving (there is about a 1 foot space between the headboard and the wall where it fell). I tested it with the fly swatter. It moved a little and so I had to squish it more with a bag of things that was sitting there. Then I noticed the eggs. It was full of eggs, I guess, as it left them all along the wall where it fell and in a blob on the floor. I had to make sure I squished all of them. I dont' want more of them. I've no clue where it came from, though. How it got in. I suppose it would be easy for it to get in where the air conditioner hose goes through the wall, as there is about a 1 inch space around it. I think I will have to seal that. Needless to say, I was late meeting my friend. And I didn't sleep well that night when I got home. I kept having to look around to make sure that there wasn't another one of these things.

It's a kind of cricket!
Yes, that is what i was thinking, only it doesn't have any wings. Most of the people from here that I asked had no idea. One said that she was sure it was a cricket - a strange wingless cricket. I was trying to find it on the net but have yet to have any luck with that. All I know it is gigantic and disgusting and gave me the creeps (and nightmares!).
It's here:
I saw it and thought it looks just like our cave crickets (which don't just live in caves and are brown and wingless...) and it's in the same family.
Thanks. I'd rather it just stayed in what ever cave or crevice it came from. :S
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