Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve I took Jason up to Ilsan to a party at Kieran and Dairin's (an Irish couple that I've known since 2003, when I worked in Hwajeong, just north-west of Seoul). It was a great evening. That group is always fun and interesting to be around. There is never a dull moment.SOME of the alcohol that was there (taken from across the room with my handy camera... this is only at 7 times zoom :P). I'm not even sure if this bunch was touched much, as everyone brought a lot more. A lot of people were just drinking beer.In the kitchen.Lovebirds on the living room floor.In the living room... a little later.Jason, me, Dairin, Cookie Monster, Kieran (Cookie Monster goes everywhere!!! He was even there when we went to Beijing the other year. :P Dairin loves Cookie.)Raphael (Australian, friend/co-worker from my last job in Korea), and I. I went to Raph's wedding here in 2004 (to Ja-young/Miss Moon (Korean)).Jason entertaining the Irish.Jason D. I wonder if he made his flight!! He was supposed to be on a flight home at 9 in the morning. I think he left the party (stumbled out the door) at around 3 am or so.

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